What is the difference between a fixed limit and no limit?

  1. Fixed Limit

A poker game played in a fixed-limit format uses two values: the small bet and the big bet. The small bet is equivalent to the big blind in the limits description.

Therefore, in a 1$/2$ fixed-limit game, the small bet is 2$. The big bet is usually twice the size of the small bet, this is. 4$ in the case of a 1$/2$ game).

The small bet is used in the early betting rounds and the large bet is used in the final rounds. In Hold'em, the small bet is used during pre-glop and flop, while the big bet is used from the turn forward.

In a 1$/2$ game, the first bet on the flop must always be 2$. Any subsequent raise must be an additional 2$ totaling 4$, then 6$ and so on.

After one bet and three raises, no more raises will be allowed (this is known as the raise limit or raise cap).

  1. No-Limit

Players can bet any amount of chips at any time, although there are still some rules to follow, such as:

A player cannot bet smaller than one big blind at any time (unless that amount represents his all-in).

A player cannot raise more chips than he has in his stack.

A raise on any street must be at least as big as the raise made earlier on that street.

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